Author Archives: NCBRC

In re Shockley, No. 08-3954 (6th Cir.)

Type: Amicus Date: December 2, 2008 Description: Negative equity Result: Dismissed as moot. Shockley NACBA Amicus 6th Cir

Gold v. Lewis, No. 09-1777 (6th Cir.)

Type: Amicus Date: April 9, 2010 Description: Whether Ford buy-out plan is exempt under section 522(d)(11)(E) Result: Affirmed. Debtor won. Lewis 6th Cir opinion Lewis NACBA Amicus 6th Cir

In re Schafer, No. 10-8030 (B.A.P. 6th Cir.)

Type: Amicus Date: July 22, 2010 Description: Constitutionality of Michigan’s Bankruptcy specific exemption scheme. Results: Reversed. Debtor lost. Schafer BAP 6th Cir opinion Schafer NACBA amicus BAP 6th Cir.

AT&T Universal Card Services v. Mercer, No 98-60693 (5th Cir.)

Type: Amicus Date: September 8, 2000 Description: Justifiable reliance in credit card dischargeability. Result: Reversed. Debtor lost. 246 F.3d 391 (5th Cir. 2001) Brief          Opinion

In re Miller, No. 08-30601 (5th Cir.)

Type: Amicus Date: October 23, 2008 Description: Whether debtor may surrender 910 car in full satisfaction of claim. Result: Reversed. Debtor lost. Miller 5th Cir. opinion Miller NACBA Amicus 5th Cir

In re Hersh, No. 07-10226 (5th Cir.)

Type: Amicus Date: September 26, 2007 Description: Whether sections 526(a)(4) and 527, related to debt relief agencies, are unconstitutional. Result: Affirmed in part, reversed in part. Debtor lost. Hersh 5th Cir opinion Hersh NACBA Amicus 5th Cir  

In re Wilborn, No. 09-20415 (5th Cir.)

Type: Amicus Date: December 7, 2009 Description: Whether bankruptcy court could certify class to challenge Well Fargo’s charging of undisclosed professional fees during court of chapter 13 plan. Result: Vacated. Wilborn 5th Cir opinion Wilborn NACBA Amicus 5th Cir

Burnett v. Stewart Title, No. 10-20250 (5th Cir.)

Type: Amicus Date: June 21, 2010 Description: Whether section 525(b) permits denial of employment to prospective employee on basis of bankruptcy. Result: Affirmed. Debtor lost. Burnett 5th Cir opinion Burnett NACBA Amicus 5th Cir

In re Chilton, No. 11-40377 (5th Cir.)

Type: Amicus Date: July 1, 2011 Description: Exemption for inherited IRA. Result: Judgment affirmed, March 12, 2012 Chilton 5th NACBA amicus Chilton opinion

In re Massey, No. 01-1426 (4th Cir.)

Type: Amicus Date: June 12, 2001 Description: Whether favored treatment of co-debtor claim under section 1322(b)(1) is subject to unfair discrimination test. Result: Dismissed. Brief