Financially distressed debtors seeking the fresh start offered by bankruptcy, often lack the resources to pursue important issues at the appellate level. To equalize the playing field between consumer debtors and their creditors, the NACBA Board created the National Consumer Bankruptcy Rights Center (NCBRC or “Nicbric”), a 501(c)(3) organization. Since its inception in 2010, NCBRC has provided support to consumer bankruptcy debtors and their attorneys in cases of national importance. NCBRC fulfills its mission through three programs. Under the Amicus Program, NCBRC has filed briefs in cases addressing such vital issues as the invidious practice of debt collectors filing stale claims and the misapplication of judicial estoppel by the courts. In its Pro Bono Appellate Program, NCBRC has worked with attorneys from leading bankruptcy firms around the country who have donated over 300 hours to the amicus project. Finally, NCBRC’s Educational Program is devoted to supporting the bankruptcy bar by providing education on current issues in consumer bankruptcy. To this end, NCBRC’s Project Director, Tara Twomey, is an active participant in in-person and online training programs.
To learn more about NCBRC in general and to read about specific cases in which NCBRC filed amicus briefs in 2016, go to NCBRC Year in Review 2016.
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