Author Archives: NCBRC

Washington v. Reding, No. 09-0579 (M.D. Ala.)

Type: Amicus Date: October 29, 2009 Description: Whether unemployment compensation is excluded from CMI as social security benefit. Result: Affirmed. Debtor lost. Washington MD Ala opinion Washington v. Reding NACBA amicus brief

Tennyson v. Whaley, No. 09-14628 (11th Cir.)

Type: Amicus Date: November 25, 2009 Description: Whether debtor with negative disposable income on Form 22C must file chapter 13 plan with 60 month applicable commitment period. Result: Reversed and remanded. Debtor lost. Tennyson NACBA Amicus 11th Cir Tennyson 11th Cir opinion

In re Sainlar, No. 05-14070 (Bankr. M.D. Fla.)

Type: Amicus Date: January 30, 2006 Description: Whether appreciation in value is an interest acquired for purposes of the homestead cap. Result: Debtor won. 344 B.R. 669 (Bankr. M.D. Fla. 2006) Sainler Bankr MD Fla Order Sainler Bankr. MD Fla NACBA amicus

In re Graupner, No. 07-37 (Bankr. M.D. Ga.)

Type: Amicus Date: May 24, 2007 Description: Negative equity. Result: Debtor lost. 2007 WL 1858291 (M.D.  Ga. June 26, 2007)

In re Barrett, No. 07-14796 (11th Cir.)

Type: Amicus Date: January 25, 2008 Description: Whether debtor may surrender 910 car in full satisfaction of creditor’s claim. Result: Debtor lost. Brief 

In re McNeal, No. 10-1612 (N.D. Ga.)

Type: Amicus Date: September 27, 2010 Description: Whether wholly unsecured residential lien may be stripped off in chapter 7. Result: Affirmed. Debtor lost. McNeal NACBA amicus ND Ga McNeal ND Ga opinion

In re Hoffman, No. 09-18839 (Bankr. M.D. Fla.)

Type: Amicus Date: May 7, 2010 Description: Whether wholly unsecured residential lien may be stripped off in chapter 7. Result: Debtor lost. Hoffman Bankr MD Fla opinion Hoffman NACBA Amicus Bankr MD Fla

Chappell v. Klein, No. 07-35704 (9th Cir.)

Type: Amicus Date: March 12, 2008 Description: Whether value attributable to appreciation in home is property of the estate where the property was claimed as fully exempt and no objection received. Result: Affirmed. Debtor lost. Chappell 9th Cir opinion Chappell NACBA Amicus 9th Cir.

MERS v. Chong, No. 09-661 (D. Nev.)

Type: Amicus Date: August 20, 2009 Description: Whether MERS has standing to seek lift of stay in its own name. Result: Affirmed. Debtor won. Chong MERS D Nev opinion Chong MERS NACBA amicus pt 1 D Nev Chong MERS NACBA amicus pt 2 D Nev Chong MERS NACBA amicus pt 3 D Nev

In re Gruntz, No.97-55379 (9th Cir.)

Type: Amicus Date: September 3, 1999 Description: Application of stay to criminal prosecution to collect child support debt; state court authority to decide stay/discharge violations. Result: Affirmed. Debtor lost. 202 F.3d 1074 (9th Cir. 1999) Brief          Opinion